A missed case of achalasia in an eight year old girl: a case report
achalasia, TanzaniaAbstract
Achalasia is an uncommon condition which can occur at any age but onset before adolescence is unusual. When a child presents with regurgitation and dysphagia, achalasia should be considered after excluding other common conditions to avoid delay in diagnosis. We report a case of an 8-year old Tanzanian girl who presented to Muhimbili National Hospital with a 4-year history of dysphagia, regurgitation and weight loss. She was previously treated as a case of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease with no improvement. Barium oesophagram and endoscopy were performed and revealed achalasia which was successfully treated surgically. This report highlights the importance for clinicians to consider achalasia as a rare cause of dysphagia in children although it is unusual before adolescence.Published
Case Reports
How to Cite
A missed case of achalasia in an eight year old girl: a case report. (2015). Tanzania Medical Journal, 26(2). https://doi.org/10.4314/tmj.v26i2.5